Freitag, 27. Juni 2014

Shopping Malls

They are mushrooming (means they are EVERYWHERE in the metropolitan area around Jan Sosé).
They are almost a  100% american.
They are HUGE.

I don't know if this is an interesting topic but maybe it is. I have been to two different malls so far. They are both very similar in terms of their architecture, shops, food, activities and all malls have only been constructed very recently.  I should note that the majority can only be accessed by car or taxi. 

Clothing- and beautywise you would encounter American well-known brands such as GAP, QuickSilver, Forever21, Nike and Victoria's Secret to name a few. The food-court is western too with a wide variety of different fastfood to choose from. Above of that they offer activities for children and adults alike, for instance Lasertag.

Canyou recognize the guy on the segway? This is a security-person. 
He has kind of a cool job, hasn't he?

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