Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2014

Rio Sarapiqui

I apologize a thousand times for not making an earlier update but there has a lot been going on            ( which means consequently a LOT to talk about! ). Additionally I had some minor and major problems with my Internet connection ( I have not the slightest idea why it didn't upload my post about Braulio Carrillo).

Moving on to the interesting and informative part...

Numerous rivers determine Costa Ricas landscape ( almost no lakes ). One that runs north-south is Rio Sarapiqui which means it is one possible route to Nicaragua. 
Best starting point to explore the river's wildlife is the cozy town of Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui. Very traditional indeed and in the middle of nowhere. For the boat trip I was sadly overcharged ( I was told it would last 2 hours, well in reality it was only one). Nonetheless I was lucky to spot a wide spectrum of animals, ranging from birds over mammals to reptiles. The river itself is like a brown muddy broth. But important for the people living on its banks who mainly make a living by growing bananas and other crops.

This furry bundle is a two-figered sloth high up in the trees

A howler monkey


A basilisk

Huh? Did you identify this mini-alligator?

Another crocodile-close-up this time


Banana trees

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